Also this year, UNIPASS subscription for only €25 thanks to the contribution of around €950,000 paid by the University of Pavia for its students
Thanks to the important contribution paid by the University of Pavia (equal to 948,841.00 euros), students regularly enrolled at the University and up to date with the payment of university fees will be able to benefit from the UNIPASS subscription at the cost of only Euro 25 from the subscription date to 31 August 2025, until the maximum quota of 9865 subscriptions is reached. (Versione italiana nell'articolo correlato)
The UNIPASS season ticket allows free movement on urban and urban area public transport in Pavia.
It will be possible to subscribe starting from 1 September 2024 on the Autoguidovie website page dedicated to UNIPASS.
If the number of 9865 season tickets is exceeded, university students who have not managed to subscribe to the UNIPASS rate will be provided with a reserved season ticket (Under 26 UNIPV rate) discounted compared to the classic Under 26 season ticket, based on the months of validity from the date of purchase at the annual expiration of the contract (31 August 2025).
Access to city mobility at such favorable costs is a further intervention by the University of Pavia in favor of the right to study and the effective inclusion of everyone in the academic community.