A third (6 out of 18) of the Departments of the University of Pavia declared "excellent" by the Ministry of the University
The list of the 180 best departments in Italy has been published by the Ministry of the University. In this special ranking, the University of Pavia has achieved a remarkable result: a third of its departments have been judged at the level of “excellence”. Only 4 universities, including Pavia, improved their position compared to the last round of evaluation.
This will allow six Departments of the University of Pavia to access the “Fund for the financing of university departments of excellence”, established in 2016 by the Ministry.
The purpose of the funding is to «encourage the activity of the Departments of public universities that stand out for excellence in the quality of research and in scientific, administrative and academic planning, as well as in compliance with the research purposes of “Industry 4.0 ”». In other words, it is a boost to innovation and continuous improvement for the Departments judged to be “excellent”, which thus enter a virtuous circle.
Starting from a preliminary ranking, always based on the quality of the research, the Departments placed in the first 350 positions applied for funding. The departmental projects submitted were then evaluated by a Commission, which ranked the 180 “Departments of excellence”.
Each of the six awarded Departments of our University wills obtain funding of over one million euros per year for the five-year period 2023-2027.
«The University of Pavia» declares the Rector Francesco Svelto « once again demonstrates a high quality of research and the ability to plan the scientific future in a convincing and appreciated way. A third of our Departments have been judged excellent and will receive dedicated funds. I welcome this result with great satisfaction and congratulate all the leading professors and researchers. This selection, together with other indicators and surveys, demonstrates the excellent “state of health” of our University».
The Departments of Pavia presented specific research projects, elaborated by dedicated working groups, under the guidance of their directors. Thanks to those projects they have been selected and will work on them for next five years.
«This is a really important result, » comments Prof. Federico Forneris, pro-rector for research «that will allow the Departments of excellence to enhance their strength, both through new recruitment of professors and researchers and through the acquisition of research infrastructures to face the challenges of the submitted projects. In the last round, five Pavia departments achieved excellence, this time we did even better, reaching a third of all the departments of our University, demonstrating the commitment and quality of our researchers».
Below is the list of Departments awarded the loan, with an indication of the new website:
- Chemistry (https://chimica.dip.unipv.it/it), directed by Prof. Antonella Profumo;
- Law (https://giurisprudenza.dip.unipv.it/it), directed by Prof. Cristina Campiglio;
- Civil Engineering and Architecture (https://dicar.dip.unipv.it/it), directed by prof. Alessandro Reali;
- Molecular Medicine (https://medicinamolecolare.dip.unipv.it/it), directed by prof. Roberto Bottinelli;
- Sciences of the Nervous System and Behavior (https://dbbs.dip.unipv.it), directed by prof. Antonio Pisani;
- Economics and Business Sciences (https://economiaemanagement.dip.unipv.it/it), directed by prof. Eduardo Rossi.